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Twitter Screencast IV: Shareware Twitter Clients

In the fourth, and last, episode of the Twitter Screencast we will have a look at commercial Twitter Clients.

  1. Episode I: Which Features Does Twitter Have?
  2. Episode II: Twitter Services
  3. Episode III: Freeware Twitter Clients
  4. Episode IV: Shareware Twitter Clients

Episode IV: Shareware Twitter Clients

Desktop Twitter Clients

A notice from the devleopers of Hibari:

Currently, we’re working on adding multiple accounts and more notification options. We’re always happy to receive feedback via tweet or email, so let us know what you think!

A minor correction to the screencast: “source:foursquare” actually won’t work, but you can just enter “http://4sq.com” instead. Also, we do have stealth Instapaper support :).

Comparison Chart

Click to see whole chart!

iPhone Twitter Clients

Comparison Chart

Click to see whole chart!

Other Apps

Free Licenses

Ends: November 14, 2010

Zu gewinnen gibt es:

  • 3 Lizenzen für Hibari
  • 5 Lizenzen für Kiwi

Here’s how to win: Write a tweet like (2 points) this:

I want to win Hibari/Kiwi at @macscreencasts
Twitter raffle!

You have to pick one! If you want to participate for both clients. Send 2 tweets.
You can also leave a comment mentioning your favorite feature of the client you want to win, which will count as 1 point.
Alternatively write a blog and get 4 points. Do everything together and receive 7 points.

The winners will be chosen randomly, after the giveaway has expired. After that date the winners will be notified via email. Therefore it is needed to enter an active email address into the address field. Please remember that your address will not be given to third parties — except you are one of our lucky winners.